The Republic of South Sudan is participating in COP26 in Glasgow

Mon, 01/11/2021
The Delegation is led by the Deputy Minister of Finance and Planning, Hon. Agok Makur Agok.
The priorities and expectations of South Sudan from the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference UK 2021 are as follows:
1. The big carbondioxide emitters are to raise their ambitions to cut their emissions drastically such that the goal of 1.5 degrees celsius is not exceeded. 
2. Since South Sudan is currently being impacted by climate change catastrophes in terms of flooding, droughts, extreme weather conditions and etc; therefore, adaptation to climate change is a must.
3. The developed countries parties are to avail funds for the implementation of the South Sudan Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and the National Adaptation Programs of Action submitted to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC). 
3. Capacity building and Technology transfer is paramount for South Sudan to embark on a green development Trajectory. 
4. South Sudan is submitting its first National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to the UNFCCC today, 1st November 2021.
Finally South Sudan has developed its strategies and plans and hope this COP26 will finalize the Paris Agreement rule book for the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

The Republic of South Sudan  is participating in COP26 in Glasgow
The Republic of South Sudan  is participating in COP26 in Glasgow
The Republic of South Sudan  is participating in COP26 in Glasgow
The Republic of South Sudan  is participating in COP26 in Glasgow
The Republic of South Sudan  is participating in COP26 in Glasgow
The Republic of South Sudan  is participating in COP26 in Glasgow
The Republic of South Sudan  is participating in COP26 in Glasgow